Gordon Water Systems

  • Water System/ Sistema de Agua
100 54th Str. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49548
(616) 776-3800
8 to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Second Saturday of each month we are open 9 am to noon.
  • About

    We provide Bottled Water Service to businesses and homes. Located at 100 54th St SW we also have customer pick up. We also sell, install and service water treatment equipment and filtration.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Robin Bartells
      Sales and Marketing
      100 54th Str. SW
      Grand Rapids, MI 49548
      Phone: 6162625188
      Cell Phone: (616) 862-9367
  • Directions

    1 mile east of 131 on 54th st before division on the right hand side.